practical! Take a look at those windy facial masks, are you worth buying?

Source: Time:2021-01-15 14:59:23 views:

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It's the grand shopping season once again, and all major platforms are struggling to promote and create a shopping atmosphere. As a senior buyer, it is natural to lose a lot of good things, especially skin care products, which are simply a must-have for girls who love beauty.


Among them, the facial mask is very popular among everyone. When the skin is dry and dehydrated, a piece of facial mask can quickly and timely replenish moisture to the skin and stabilize the skin condition!


Therefore, facial masks have become a necessity for our daily maintenance. With the increasing demand of consumers, various products have appeared to occupy the market from the functions, forms and concepts of products. As consumers, we, That is dazzling.


Today, Xiaobei will pick up some of the hotter masks for you to see if we need it. After all, the wool must be in place!



Can you lose weight with just one application or one application? is that true?
Xiaobei just wants to tell those stinky sisters who want to have a small v face by relying on a mask, your dream is broken!

The v-face mask really does not have the magical effect of thinning and changing face shape!
Can only relieve edema! Can only relieve edema! Can only relieve edema! Say the important thing three times!
Some people say that seeing the face really become smaller, the correct answer is here!

The main functional ingredients of this type of mask are mostly plant extracts and caffeine. The main function of these ingredients is to reduce edema, so if your goal is to use these products with massage to improve facial edema, yes! No problem at all!

The big face is nothing more than these reasons: natural bones are relatively large, fat, and masseter muscles are large.
To say that this mask can penetrate your dermis, reach your fatty muscles, and even bones to change these real causes of big face, it is completely impossible!
And wearing this mask for a long time, the cheek and jaw circle will be prone to acne. People with acne muscles should pay special attention!



Many people feel that it is more effective and safer than ordinary masks because of the word "medical beauty" in the front?
First of all, I need to talk to you about popular science, this thing is actually not called a mask,
Its real name should be medical dressing. It is generally used only for medical treatment or skin damage.

Moreover, the new regulations issued by the state in January 2020 clearly stipulate that it is not allowed to claim that it has whitening, acne, and anti-aging effects. And it needs to be guided by a qualified doctor within its scope of use. Can not be used as a daily skin care product for long-term use.

At this time, you can use your little head to think for a minute. If the so-called medical beauty mask is really more effective, why does the country have to introduce this rule? Moreover, whether it is an ordinary mask or a medical beauty mask, there is a risk of allergies, and there is no safer.

and so! Don’t be superstitious about this type of machine-brand products! What suits you is the best!



Although many products claim to be preservative-free, most of them are marketing "concepts". In fact, using polyols as preservatives cannot be regarded as non-preservative products in the true sense.

Regarding preservatives, Xiaobei thinks that it is actually necessary for everyone to understand them correctly, not to demonize them!
Today, with the rise of the "Ingredient Party", everyone will subconsciously look at the ingredient list when buying a product, and find that there are many preservatives in it and feel that the product is not good.

Actually not! This is often considered by product developers. If a single preservative is added at a high concentration, it may cause irritation, because each preservative has its advantages and disadvantages, and the use of a composite preservative system will have synergistic effects. The effect of 1+1>2.

Therefore, as long as it is a regular product that is legally added and is suitable for your skin, you do not need to worry too much about the problem of preservatives.
Of course, anti-corrosion products are safer and more suitable for people with sensitive muscles. This will be one of the main trends in the future development of the industry. This is also what Bei Youqing's R&D expert team is working hard to do.



In order to satisfy the never-ending whitening wish of young ladies, there are too many kinds of whitening masks on the market, and many products also claim to whiten quickly and have immediate results. And the truth is often:

Some people can keep their face white for two days after using this type of mask, and then it will return to its original state. This situation is usually caused by the addition of fluorescent brighteners.

And some people use some facial masks to get very good results, and their skin becomes white and red, but once they stop using it, their skin begins to itch, flush, and dry, and it gets better after using this product. These products must be very vigilant about whether they contain steroids. The whitening products added with hormones will make the skin dependent, and its toxic side effects will also cause a serious skin disease, commonly known as "hormonal face". The normal physiological structure and function of the skin are destroyed. Hormonal skin patients can be said to be Suffering beyond words. If you accidentally use this product, you should stop using it immediately and seek medical attention.

At the same time, whitening products have always been the hardest hit areas with excessive heavy metals. In order to make the products effective, some illegal businesses did not hesitate to sacrifice the health of consumers by illegally adding excessive amounts of heavy metals such as lead and mercury to the products. Even the body causes permanent damage.


Therefore, we need to pay special attention when choosing a whitening mask!

Refuse to claim fast whitening products, and look for "certified work."
Whitening products are special-purpose cosmetics. They must obtain special whitening certificates issued by the National Food and Drug Administration in order to claim whitening effects. Products with special certificates can only have dual effects and safety after undergoing national audits and tests. Guaranteed.

Don't make detours on the road to whitening, otherwise it will not be worth the loss if you spend money to hurt your skin and damage your health!